M.B.B.S, M.S

M.B.B.S, M.S
Too much cholesterol & bilirubin in your bile
Gallbladder doesn′t empty completely
Weak digestive system
Excess estrogen due to therapy or pregnancy
Pain in the upper right portion of abdomen and shoulder
Rapid intensifying pain just below your breastbone
Dark colour urine
Vomiting & Nausea
Yes, Gallstone treatment is covered under the health insurance policy
Gallstone surgery is a daycare procedure and takes between 45 mins to 1 hr to complete.
Sama Hospital is one of the best hospitals for gallbladder stone surgery in Delhi, our success rate is 100%. We have a team of the best gallbladder surgeons in Delhi. After the surgery, there are very less chances that stones may occur again. Having a balanced diet & exercise will help you sustain the results.
If not treated in time gallbladder can be inflamed (Cholecystitis), which will lead to forming pus inside the gallbladder, the infection can spread to other organs.